Is selling giclées of your paintings a good idea for your art business?
If you have entertained the thought of selling giclees and getting your work into the print market, read my new article in the May issue of The Artist's Magazine. It is titled "Are Giclées for You? Does it make good business sense to produce and sell giclées of your paintings?"
The article on selling giclees is like a Reader's Digest condensed 1,600 word version of my 300-page How to Profit from the Art Print Market book. You can order the May issue with my article in print or download version from the North Light Book Club. The price is $5.95 for either version.
Order The Artist's Magazine issue with my "selling giclees" article and save!
I arranged a discount for my readers. Use this link and coupon code for a 10% Off, No Minimum Order at North Light Shop. Use coupon code nlcoupon10 during checkout. Expires 12/31/2012. Once you are on the site, use the Search box on the top right, and enter "selling giclees." You will find both the print and download versions of the May 2012 issue to order. Look around you might find some other gems to pick up while you are at it.
New Art Marketing Workshop Announced for San Diego, CA
In other news, I am excited to report my workshop presentation partners at Xanadu Gallery have booked a venue in San Diego, CA on Saturday, May 5 for my next seminar:
The Road to Art Marketing Success: An Innovative New Workshop Designed to Help You Get Seen & Get Selling
In this intensive workshop you will learn to:
- Blend new, evolving, and traditional art marketing opportunities.
- Maximize the power of your website and blog.
- Evaluate the potential value of social media and online galleries.
- Discover new revenue from the healthcare fine art, hospitality design, and licensing markets.
- Develop your email list into your most valuable marketing tool.
- Create easy, effective ways to get steady referrals.
- Put the full influence of publicity and press releases to work for you.
- Coordinate your marketing to wring the best return from every dollar you spend on it.
It would not be workshop from me if I didn't include information on selling giclees and how the print and licensing markets can benefit artists with steaady secondary income streams.
CLICK HERE to register now, or get more details.
You can email me at [email protected] about the workshop. I hope to see you there!
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